Being a teacher for many learners in Brandy Hill for many years, I have found that every of them comprehends and makes sense of their courses in very particular ways.
Student’s learning style
Understanding your child's learning style is one of the most essential points in aiding them get to success. The trouble is that we often suppose that everybody perceives and studies information the same way we do. If they don't, does this mean something goes wrong? - Never! With respect and building on the personal learning type of the student, to my mind, is the most important role of the teacher.
I normally aim to fit my tutoring with the learning type of my scholar. I realise that every student is not the same and the importance of being capable to serve your individual needs to let you to succeed in your education.
The key to reach every students
In order to connect with your learners, it is compulsory to quickly find out whether they are an auditory, kinaesthetic or visual learner and treat them properly. When you are teaching a group, it is ideal to merge a selection of learning styles to reach as many as feasible. The spot is not to make them adapt to us, but to find a method to reach out to as many of them as it can be to help them succeed in a way that is most conducive to enabling them to succeed with relative comfort while amplifying their skills. Doing this demands a high level of observation, evaluation, and creativity for highest outcomes.
I have the potential to notice the distinct strengths of each child, and I go all out to use all learning techniques to teach children in developing their effectiveness when working on their tasks. My attitude is holistic, and I take into consideration and am sensitive towards the whole individual and his/her family also. I am sympathetic and friendly, authoritative vs. strict.
What I do for my learners
I greatly enjoy and am really passionate about my tutoring. I am a tolerant person that will assist you to deal with your workload, explain you subject material and train you the way you will definitely always be ready in class. Besides, I will provide you a collection of custom-made notes, worksheets, and exercises to make sure that topics are understood. I will teach you how you can prevent trivial mistakes to ensure you cope amazingly with all of the exam tasks. Along with my practice as a tutor, my career as a teacher and research scientist has also shown that I have a huge expertise in the subjects I tutor. I strive to develop you to transform into better independent intellectuals in order to truly have fun learning and in conjunction with my recommendations and support, enable you not only to reach your goals yet also to exceed.